
The Catholic Secondary Principals' Association of Western Australia [CSPA] was formed in 1978 and incorporated in 1996.

Its membership is comprised of Principals of WA Catholic schools with secondary or composite enrolments. There are 54 members of the Association made up of principals of 33 Perth metropolitan schools and 21 regional and remote schools.

Our members serve a wide variety of communities from across the State: from the Kimberley's in the north to Albany in the south; from Fremantle in the west to Kalgoorlie in the east.

The schools range from isolated, composite schools with fewer than 10 secondary students to large metropolitan schools with enrolments of over 1500. Some of the schools are single sex while the majority are co-educational.


Constitution of the Catholic Secondary Principals' Association of Western Australia

Download the Constitution

Aim & Objectives

The aim of the Association is to assist members to serve the educational needs of the Catholic secondary schools of Western Australia in accordance with the Bishops' Mandate and Terms of Reference of the Catholic Education Commission of Western Australia.

In line with this aim the Association has three formal objectives:
  • To contribute to the development of educational policy in West Australian secondary education
  • To promote the professional development of members
  • To exercise a practical pastoral role in relation to the welfare of members.
The Association works collaboratively with Catholic Education Western Australia (CEWA) and other organisations to achieve its aim and objects through:
  • Membership of, and consultation with, Catholic Education Commission of Western Australia [CECWA] Working Parties
  • Representation on and direct consultation with all CECWA Standing Committees
  • Ongoing consultation with Catholic Education WA
  • Representation on, and consultation with, other Catholic Education bodies
  • Representation on those committees that jointly represent non-government schools
  • Establishing professional relationships with the Catholic Primary Principals' Association, the Catholic Secondary Deputy Principals' Association and similar organisations of Secondary Principals.

A network of Principals serving a wide variety of
Catholic schools across Western Australia

Contact the Association

For general queries or assistance contact the Executive Officer:

Executive Officer

Denise Moolla

15 Toulon Way


Phone: + 61 (0)414846903


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